2016 A New Dawn


2016 A new dawn, A new year. We said good-bye to 2015 yesterday with a sunset image that represented the end of a less than stellar year so we thought it only fitting that we start the new year off with a sunrise image taken from the deck here at Blog Central. This is how we have decided the new year should be, bright, colorful, beautiful, vibrant, full of promise and generally a perfect start to what we hope is the same kind of year.

 If you are one of those that are thankful that 2015 is past (and even if you’re not) then join us here at Blog Central, home of The Institute, and the constant beauty that is Colorado at its finest, to move forward into the new year with enthusiasm and hope. From everyone here at BigShotsNow the blog, which as you have no doubt figured out by now is primarily me, I would like to say Happy New Year to all of you from the perspective of the first dawn of the year, and the wonderful events it will lead to in 2016.

Remember visit once, visit again, in fact just make it a habit, and tell your friends about us. Happy New Year!