I always had a not so secret fondness for secret places. You know, Toad hall, and places where elves dwell, mossy spots under the bank where you’re sure you’ve seen movement but didn’t see what made it. Having been a voracious reader as a kid I still want to know what General Hornwort’s burrow looked like inside, did he have the ears of his enemies mounted on the walls or maps of his next conquests strewn over the rabbit sized table in the great hall, they just never tell you enough in those stories, so I am constantly on the lookout for those magical places so I can see for myself. This old cottonwood has many secrets to tell and if you sit next to him and are very quiet he will tell you some of them. I did and we spoke of many things, what its like to get old, do things really matter as much as you think they do, is it worth it. He told me some of the answers and I would tell them to you but he asked me not to. After all secrets are secrets, right?
Sadly I am not finding as many of these places as I used to. TI don’t know if it is because we’re tearing them down and filling them in or perhaps much more frightening, can it be because you begin to lose your ability to see them as you totter towards old age. I say the hell with that theory. I think it is because I’m not getting out as much as I used to. I plan to change that very soon. So watch for me at a secret place near you.
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