The Rabbit and The Circle of Time


Much of the timekeeping that goes on in the desert takes place at night. Scattered throughout the golden sands are small timepieces that mark the passage of the evening. During the quiet parts of the night when the stars are slowly making their way through their appointed rounds, displaying for all who care to look the celestial passage of the heavens, a slight wind makes its way across the desert floor. It stirs the simple timepieces to life and begins the record of the passing hours.

The various timepieces that have been selected by Mother Nature are slowly rotated in place marking the nights passage for all the land dwelling creatures to see. The circular pattern created mimicking the heavens rotation by leaving the faint trail in the sand. This morning as the newborn sun rose to cast its morning shadows on the sand, a rabbit has passed by checking to see how long it would be until there was full sunlight and it should be hidden safely away before the coyotes come near.

Soon the heat of the day will bring its soaring temperatures and with it a stronger wind that will quickly erase the sand drawing made overnight. The day will pass with the measured slowness of the turning Earth and soon night will fall again and a new record will begin. If he was lucky the rabbit will be back and stop to check the time once again before calling it a night.