Monument Valley Morning

Monument Valley              Click to enlarge

For some of you it still feels like Winter, I know it and I feel your pain, but believe it or not there are places in our world, right now, where the sun is shining and you can go outside without long underwear, excuse me, they call it base layers now, and not freeze your fuon buey bueys off.

In fact the other day as I was lying on the couch in a carbohydrate-induced coma, I felt something warm and comfortable slide across my face, no it wasn’t the dog’s tongue, I’m out of dogs at the present, it was sunshine. Yes, sunshine. Well I was surprised I can tell you. I immediately jumped up, well, to be more accurate, rolled off the couch and crawled to the window to see if it was real.

It was and what’s more the snow that had been steadily climbing up the side of the house covering the windows and burying my car, had disappeared. You could see the ground. But the biggest miracle was that the lucky Aspen tree, the one we call Dead Tree Walking, the one that is still alive after all the attempts were made by the elements to kill it, had buds on it. Big ones too, like they were going to open tomorrow kind of big. How’s that for giving one hope?

I could feel the blood starting to move slowly and sluggishly around in my body, pressing up against the various valves in my veins, saying “open up, open up we need to get to the brain, we’re about to lose this guy!” and they did, those little valves, they opened and soon the flood gates were down and I was walking and talking and going outside and looking around, staring at the sun like some peyote-crazed Aztec. I marveled at the fact that white was not the dominant color anymore, that I hadn’t been trans-located to some black & white movie, set in Croatia or somewhere worse, like 1950’s Czechoslovakia, you know, all coal-fired steam trains, cold dark fog, grey with soot everywhere, all filmed 20 minutes after the sun went down.

As the sun warmed my head little thoughts started to dart around in my mind like those minnows you see at the edge of the shore, you remember, the ones that flit from one shadow to another at the speed of light, not staying in the sunshine for one moment longer than they need to, lest something bigger make a meal of them. Then bigger thoughts arrived, then bigger yet, edging into my imagination like the berthing of the Queen Mary. Huge ponderous thoughts like I used to have before Winter caught me and turned me into a couch dwelling, TV watching, soulless lump, nearly one of the undead but not quite.

One of the biggest thoughts coming up out of the murky depths, brought to the surface by the slow turning of the great props as the Queen of the Sea was slowly  brought dockside was ” I could go somewhere.”  yeah seems obvious to you I bet, but it was a revelation to me. I thought I was going to die on that couch. Never seeing the beauties of the world again. Alone, staring at the ice encrusted windows as the world turned slowly grey then black. So you can see how a guy would suddenly be GobSmacked, his life returned to him in an instant, full of hope and joy with the idea that there was a future.

Where to go though. I quickly ran to my computer and began feverishly going through the images I had placed in the folder labeled, “Places I want to go again if I live through this Winter” and up popped this image of one of my favorite places in the universe, Monument valley. It is early morning, the sun just rising high enough to clear the buttes, lighting my way to a secret place deep in the desert where no one has ever taken a picture before. The wind making a keening sound as it rounded the spires and towers as it finishes writing its name in the sand….. Listen I’d write more but I have to go pack the car. I got to go before Winter changes its mind.

Snow Fence

SnowFence1685Snow Fence Colorado                              click to enlarge

Snow Fences. Sometimes they work and some times they don’t. This one didn’t. A careful observer will notice that this snow fence didn’t stop any of the snow. It is scattered all over hell and back instead of being confined in one area as we were led to believe would happen by that lying fence salesman. It’ll be going back to the manufacturer in the morning.

After The Storm

Ranch1503-1516 copyFire Point overlook Colorado               click to enlarge

We’ve been getting these snow storms every week or so and one of the perks of living in Colorado is that as soon as they’re over they agreeably begin to melt away and return our landscape to its regular appearance.

This storm came in Saturday night wreaking havoc with the highways, causing white outs and icy conditions and generally making one glad they were inside by the fire eating large plates of spaghetti.

The next day however, true to form, the storm broke, the sun came out and soon it was so beautiful even the most die-hard slug had to go out and work off those plates of spaghetti. Slogging through the snow with a ton of camera gear will help with that.

This is a panoramic* view of the North fork of the Cache la Poudre river drainage area as the storm clouds begin to drift East with plans to visit our Midwest friends. Sorry about that folks. We tried to siphon off as much snow as we could before sending them your direction.

As winter winds down and we get these spring snow storms they are usually pretty intense. Lots of weather drama while they’re happening but the aftermath is gorgeous especially knowing that the sun will be out tomorrow and as pretty as it is, it will be gone in a day or so. I like to think that these are our Camelot snows.

* This image is made up of 16 pictures carefully stitched together by the elves in Photoshop for your viewing pleasure. We do this because if we used a wide angle lens the image would be like looking into the wrong end of a pair of binoculars. Everything would be very small but there’d be lots of it. This is better.

News Flash!

NewsFlash6659Late Spring Storm Colorado                  click to enlarge

News Flash!

It’s still winter!

That’s right, direct from our bureau headquarters here at The Institute we bring you the latest, most up to date, fastest breaking news on the planet. Our crack news team searches the wire feeds from Reuters, UPI, AP, Česká Tisková Kancelář, the Agence France-Presse and whatever Murdoch has going on, plus many, many more to bring you first hand reports that we have carefully copied and presented as our own. All that and our very own intrepid group of news makers and shakers insures that  you are getting news you can’t hardly find anywhere else.

This Pulitzer worthy shot was taken right outside the Institutes Newsroom through a crack in the storm door, now, just moments ago, as you’re reading this. This is news as its happening right before your eyes. These are the lengths that we will go to bring you groundbreaking news as it happens.

Here are some of the headlines we have gleaned from our sources around the globe.

Coldest Spring Ever!  The Inuit Times – Aliklat Island North Bering Sea

It’s Really Freaking Cold!  – LA Sun-Times

Shivering, Is it good For you?  –  Health Gazette – Freemont Ga

I Am Like, So Over This, It Is Totally Not Cool!  Valley Girl News – San Bernardino Sunday enclosure

Ach du Lieber! Ich bin eiskalt mien Esel des! – Berlin Free Press

Bring Your Brass Monkeys In, It’s Freezing Out There. – Urologists Journal March 2014

Red? or Traditional White Long Johns, Staying Warm But Trendy in the Polar Vortex! – GQminus Magazine, Men’s Fashion section March 2014

How To Unstick Tongues From Flagpoles! –  EMT Newsletter March 2014

Should You Unstick Tongues From Flagpoles?  Contrarian Review – Opinions That Count

Hottest Peppers In The World! Should You Use Them? Should You Eat Them?  – Responsible Recipes In An Irresponsible World. –  Taco Edna’s Franchisee Newsletter March 2014

Bikini Babes Brave The Cold ! They Look Chilly But They are Hot ! – The Daily Star Page 3 UK edition

These are highlights from newspapers and publications from around the globe telling you what you already knew, It’s still winter and will continue to be so until further notice. Keep up with this fast breaking story by following us here at  The Institute, news at your fingertips, and your first choice for news you can’t find anywhere else.

Dunyasha Zarya Irinushka

Irinushka0205Mountain goat ewe Mt Evans Colorado   click to enlarge

She arrived suddenly one spring bringing nothing but her fur coat and her pale skinned beauty. She was aloof, always remaining at the edge of the herd, saying nothing and rebuffing all who tried to approach. Grazing alone she would wander the meadows stopping occasionally to select the newest petals of the spring flowers, looking always to the North, watching, searching, waiting, not anxiously, but with a constancy that could be felt. She was a mystery to the herd. They wondered about the mantle of sadness she seemed to wear and speculated quietly amongst themselves about her origins. Who was she ? Why was she here? Who did she wait for?

Some thought that she had come down from the far reaches of the Canadian north, Kootenay, Nahanni or even the Kluane perhaps. Others thought that she left the Russian mountains and followed the Kuskokwim river down until she eventually arrived here. That might account for her look of weariness. Right now it was all speculation however as she wasn’t speaking and maintained her solitude. They’d leave her alone for now. They had their own lives to live and if it was her wish to stay near the herd for whatever comfort she could gain they were willing to allow her to stay. There was time, you can’t stay alone forever.