

As some of you have noticed we have not been posting for several days. We want to correct the rumors that we were shut down for making misleading statements about important issues regarding various government programs, and no, none of our researchers were killed or maimed very much in defending the compound, or that we were not paying our internet bill or even, and this really hurts, the particularly vicious rumor that some of the things we have stated in previous blogs were basically untrue and might have even been made up. Man you people fight dirty when you don’t get what you want.

What really happened is there was this alien invasion… no wait, that part was untrue, it wasn’t alien at all, what really happened, and you are going to feel so bad about what you were thinking when you find out what really happened, that I would not want to be you, is that the storm of the millennium that we just went through last week took out our phone line, internet, Sadie Collin’s little dog Ralphie, who was last seen dogpaddling towards Kansas and a lot of other really bad stuff that I won’t go into because it’s personal and private and I don’t want you asking about it. Yeah I know, some of you have said, “Come on, Tell me  I won’t laugh.” but I’ve dealt with your kind before, so no dice. What happens at the Institute stays at the Institute.

The phone company is supposed to be here tomorrow to fix things and apologize and get me back up and blogging. They promised. But you know how things go, maybe they lied to me. It could happen. So we’ll know for sure tomorrow. “So how are you posting this then if all that bad stuff happened to you, eh?” and well you might ask. Its like this, one of the idiosyncrasies of the computer and electronic age is that it can toy with you, tease you, lead you to believe everything will be all right then when you least expect it, kick you in your nether regions just to hear you cry. That’s what has been happening for the last hour or so. The net will come back on and just stay on long enough that I can add a few words then go out again. It is a heartless bastard that internet and some times I hate it. Yes, I said it, I sometimes hate the internet and the horse it rode in on.

So if this gets posted and I don’t know if it will, then you will know the straight skinny and can help set those godless mis-believers that are spreading those hateful ugly rumors straight. If not then we should be back Thursday, if not Thursday then I really recommend your calling your local, state and federal representatives and make them aware of the dire straights we’re in here in Colorado. OK then, see you soon. Tell them to send us lots of financial aid too, lots of greenbacks not those crappy vouchers. AND we don’t need no stinkin’ trailers either. And, double, double And, tell them we don’t think this is funny one bit. Alright, the green light is back on my modem and I’m ready to hit the publish button. See you on the other side.